Control sound volume.
In this tutorial we will learn how to control the volume of the sound that we play in Flash.Adding sound to your site can improve the user experience but not offering a way to control the sound could irritate the user and make him go away forever, and we don’t want that. We will build a slider that will help us to increase or decrease the sound volume and will learn how to load mp3s that we import in the Flash Library. 1. Create a new file by going to File > New select Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) and click Ok. 2. On the stage draw a rectangle width: 100 px, height: 23 px, color: black and stroke: none. With the rectangle selected press F8 and convert it to a MovieClip. Set its name to track_mc and registration point to top left and click Ok. In the Property Inspector set its instance name to track_mc. 3. Double click on the track_mc MovieClip to edit it. Lock the current layer. Insert a new one, double click on its name and rename it slider. Draw a rectangle width: 10, height: ...